Follow Friday January 21, 2011

Great lunch today with some old friends and some new ones too.

Doug McSorley Twitter avatar

Doug McSorley (@dougmcsorley)
Even though we’re both in Rochester, Doug and I were connected through social media for several years before we finally managed to meet in person. (Although, in our defense, I was living in Oregon for a good portion of that time.) Doug specializes in social media, SEO and web analytics. He tweets on those topics @dougmcsorley and blogs at Vinnie D Social Media.

Amber Rampino

Amber Rampino (@AmberUX)
Amber is currently a Buffalo-based visual and user experience designer, internet marketer and type nerd (that last part is her words not mine). In addition to planning a relocation to Rochester, Amber recently left the agency world to fully embrace freelancing. Keep your eyes on her tweets and for her portfolio, which is coming soon.

Matthew Ray

Matthew Ray (@MatthewRay)
Matt is the Social Media and Digital Marketing Specialist at Global Crossing, which means that he touches just about everything Internet-related for them. Matt is very involved in local community events and I’m excited to be working with him to put on the local Rochester Twestival event (@ROCTwestival), which he’s been involved with for many years. I don’t know when he finds the time, but when he does, he enjoys traveling and photography.